The "Teen" Numbers Part 2
The Unified Transformative Energy of the Eternal NOW
"To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven, for what has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again—reminding us that the cycles of life are eternal, and nothing is truly new under the sun."
— Inspired by Ecclesiastes 3:1 and 1:9
As I have reflected in yesterday’s article on "Teen Numbers", all of them—from thirteen to nineteen—embody the energies of four distinct numbers: zero, one, their inherent numerical essence, and the energy of their numerological digit sum. This unique composition makes them a powerful expression of the four-fold nature of transformation, equally engaging Mind, Spirit, Emotions, and Body. More generally, they mirror the alchemical process of spiritualizing matter, integrating the elemental energies of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.
A Journey of Collective Awakening
The teen numbers reflect not only individual transformation but also humanity’s collective journey of awakening. They symbolize the passage from the unawareness of an “ignorant” child to the authentic, responsive awareness and maturity of an adult who fully embodies the divine essence of their true nature. Together, they invite us to grow into a higher state of consciousness, uniting the fragmented parts of our being into wholeness.
In this light, the teen numbers—from the upheaval of 13 to the balance of 19—serve as markers of human awakening, each number revealing a stage in the transformative process of integrating our higher selves with the physical world. They reflect a journey of remembering our divine origin and embodying it in the eternal NOW, moving us closer to a collective realization of unity and divine harmony.
A Single Transformative Arc
The teen numbers symbolize a unified transformatory process that reflects the cyclical dance of creation and renewal. Each number contributes a distinct yet interconnected energy:
13 (4) initiates the death of the old, breaking down existing structures to allow renewal.
14 (5) tempers and balances the chaos, integrating opposing forces.
15 (6) introduces harmony, showing the first signs of alignment.
16 (7) calls for introspection and spiritual awakening.
17 (8) embodies regeneration and empowerment, the strength found in transformation.
18 (9) signifies the culmination and fulfillment of the process.
19 (2) resolves duality, bringing peace and balance as the final attainment of wholeness.
Together, they represent the alchemical journey of spiritualizing matter, dissolving old patterns, balancing energies, and aligning the human spirit with its divine source. This transformative arc is not a linear sequence but a unified process, unfolding in the eternal present.
Beyond Linear Time
While the teen numbers appear sequential, their transformative energies unfold together in the eternal NOW. Just as a teenager experiences inner growth and external change simultaneously, these numbers embody both the chaos and harmony of transformation as a unified whole. Transformation, in mystical traditions, is rarely linear; instead, it is cyclical and interconnected, with all stages coexisting in the dynamic present.
A Path to Higher Consciousness
The teen numbers remind us that transformation is not confined to individual moments or stages. They symbolize a unified process that begins with the upheaval of 13 and culminates in the balance of 19, while simultaneously engaging all aspects of being—Mind, Spirit, Emotions, and Body. Their energies reflect the eternal alchemy of life, where opposites unite to create wholeness, and spiritual essence is infused into matter.
Ultimately, these numbers represent humanity’s awakening to higher consciousness. They challenge us to leave behind the ignorance of separation, embrace the transformative process, and step fully into our divine essence. Through their unified energy, the teen numbers hold a mirror to our collective evolution, reminding us that the path to wholeness is a shared, timeless journey unfolding in the eternal NOW.
An Invitation to Continue the Journey together
The energy of 14 has shown us how to balance and integrate opposites, creating a foundation of harmony and renewal. Now, I invite you to continue this transformative journey with me as we explore the energy of 15, where new layers of alignment, resonance, and love await to illuminate the next stage of the process. Let us move forward together, uncovering the mysteries of transformation and the divine essence within us all.
The reflections I share here are part of the abundance I believe in, with most freely offered to ensure they are accessible to all, regardless of means. For those who feel inspired by my words, who benefit from these thoughts, or simply enjoy their presence in your day—I invite you to contribute in a way that resonates with you. Whether through a subscription, a single heartfelt "Thank You Donation," or even the silent gift of your gratitude, your support fills this universal bank, creating harmony in the flow of giving and receiving.
Know that your appreciation—seen or unseen—becomes part of this infinite stream, ensuring that love, wisdom, and abundance flow back to us all.
Such a beautiful supplement to the Teens Part ONE, dear heart, my love and the TENET is absolutely integral as the source of the Lord's Prayer, Pater Noster and "on Earth (heart) as it is in heaven" through 7 and 13 in the binding energies of the 33rd prime number 137 as 1+3+7=11 and the mirror of 0 to 1 as a reflection of the antithetical of Janus the Two-Face, heads I win, tails you lose a checksum Zero game.
These teen years as 13 and 19 are both bookends as prime (p) reciprocal magic squares with k=p − 1 periods, like in Morphogenic Matrix Math 1/7 creates the 6x6 magic square equated with the 6 days (daze) of creation in Genesis, the even number of k−th rows in the square are arranged by multiples of 1 / p - not necessarily successively where a magic constant can be obtained a result of Midy's theorem (
These spaces in faces are sacred in sacred geometry and integral to the black and white squares of the Mason's floor and the checker-board of the RR ROW and the chessboard in Rithmomachia or the Philosopher's game called the "Battle of Number" between the Sorcerer (Yin) and Philosopher (Yang) and the Temporal Sword and Spiritual Sword, respectively, tied to Excalibur and it's source in the mirror of antithetical, like Christ and Anti-Christ and particle/antiparticle as neutrino and antineutrino with the supernatural superlumenal super-symmetry (SUSY) of the tachyon, center stage of Shakespeare's Sonnet.
Lucifer's illusory light so many consider divinity when in truth it is a mere 0.04% of the EMF spectrum of information in qualia terms of 99.6% the divinity is within the numbers within the letters within the ABRACABABRA words in the trinity of Pascal's triangle (triangular number) in the 12th and 21st primes 37 & 73, as you know, the Star of David and these are the KEY of David in Revelation 3:7 that sum to TEN (3+7) and NET (7+3) in the mirror of time in TENET in the Liberty Bells of Saturn and Venus we embody, perhaps as the corner“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;”.
SO MUCH, to add my love... SO MUCH!!!