Walking Beyond Boundaries, Hand in Hand
Two Hearts, One Rhythm in the Infinite Cosmic Dance of True Resonance
Thank you, my love, for seeing, hearing, and loving me
Deeply inspired by Alan Watts’s timeless wisdom, I find myself in grateful reflection, touched by the gift of a love so true and pure, a love I’d never dared to dream would be real. Yet here it is, unfolding within and around me, grounding and lifting, guiding me beyond boundaries I’d never crossed before. This love feels like a dance that moves my heart closer to its true rhythm, empowering me to embrace the fullest version of myself.
But what if this experience of love wasn’t only reserved for romance? What if, in all our relationships, we could strengthen and empower each other this way, transcending fears and limitations? Could we learn to walk each other home in mutual healing and presence, becoming a reflection of the divine in each other’s eyes?
Love as the Sacred Mirror
Alan Watts, with his timeless wisdom, says that love is not about finding someone to fulfill us, but about glimpsing something far deeper. True love, he explains, isn’t about grasping or possessing but about stepping beyond the boundaries of the ego—the “little self” that separates us—and entering a sacred space where two souls recognize themselves in each other. Watts reveals that love is a cosmic force, pulling us beyond our masks, our stories, into the living truth of who we are.
When I reflect on his words, I see them come to life in the love I am blessed to share. This love is a reflection of my innermost being, a mirror of the divine as if the universe is speaking back to me through the beloved, inviting me to embrace a vastness I didn’t dare to imagine. And as I think of this, I hear McLean’s “Starry, Starry Night” in my heart—the lyrics, “For they could not love you” and “they would not listen, they did not know how,” echo the longing we all have to be fully seen.
The Divine Desire to Be Seen
Watts’s understanding of love extends beyond romantic relationships. In every relationship we encounter—even in the challenging ones—there lies the soul’s desire to be truly seen. He teaches that when we meet another person fully, without judging or diminishing their essence, we offer them the most profound gift of love. To see someone for who they are, with their shadows and light, is to recognize the divine within them.
In Christ Consciousness, this love becomes limitless. We become mirrors to one another, a reflection of the divine spark that exists in everyone, Watts would say. This universal seeing allows us to perceive the truth of the other, unclouded by ego’s fear or judgment. Here lies the path to peace and to wholeness—recognizing that the beloved is not separate from ourselves but a reflection of our inner reality.
Tantra and the Sacred Dance of Love
In Tantra, love is a cosmic dance, a flow between dualities that brings us back to unity. The self, as Watts would explain, melts into the other, just as two rivers merge, losing themselves in the ocean. This union invites us to go beyond desire and resistance, allowing us to embrace both self and other as parts of the same whole.
This dance of love transcends romance; it’s about union with all life. Imagine this in every encounter: each soul we meet is an invitation to step beyond fear and separation, to dissolve boundaries, and to dance together in the eternal flow of creation. When we let go of our need to control or categorize others, love blossoms naturally, as radiant and unstoppable as the breath of creation itself.
Love Over Fear: A Shift from Competition to Co-creation
Yet, our society has often taught us to view life through the lens of competition and hierarchy, rather than cooperation and unity. We hold onto ideas of authority and separation, thinking we must protect ourselves from the other. But, as Watts reminds us, our sense of isolation is an illusion, a game we play with ourselves to feel separate and unique. True love dissolves this illusion, leading us from fear into compassion and co-creation.
Imagine a world where we replace this illusion with the practice of love over fear. This isn’t just about romantic love; it’s about a deep acknowledgment of each being’s sovereignty and divinity, honoring each person as a unique expression of the cosmic whole. Watts calls this the recognition of the other as thyself, a profound shift from division to unity, where we live in harmony as co-creators rather than competitors.
Expanding Love to All Relationships: The Breath of the Compassionate
This journey toward unity asks us to expand our understanding of love to include all relationships, even the most difficult ones. In the Breath of the Compassionate, there is a continuous pulse between union and separation. As we move in this cosmic breath, we experience moments of unity and moments of individuation—a rhythm that allows us to grow and to reflect.
Through Christ Consciousness, we see that love invites us to hold space for the fullness of each person—their joys, their wounds, their journey. When we are brave enough to truly see each other, our love transforms from a personal experience to a cosmic force that is capable of healing and unifying. This is the dance of divine love, the boundless compassion that sees all beings as parts of the same sacred wholeness.
Final Reflections: Love as the Gateway to Unity
Are we brave enough to allow ourselves to see love as the only path that transcends the boundaries of ego, a path that reaches from our own heart to the heart of others and the cosmos itself? What might we transform in ourselves, and in this world, if we dared to love not just our beloved, but all beings, with the same depth, devotion, and courage to see and be seen?
In this space, love becomes a shared breath—a rhythm pulsing in all things, a reminder that the cosmos is a mirror—a vast, compassionate invitation to remember who we truly are.
Such a beautiful intimation, so deeply entangled within the heart of the matter of mind over matter and the Mad Hatter world the world is now moving through within the NYEYN (2+7) veils of illusion my love.
The fabric we share in quantum harmonic oscillations of the 12 singing spheres of Musica Universalis within us each or “You-in-Verse” through mirrored MATER Master number inversions of primes in the sacred magic squares of space through time 3D to 4D through the quintessential 3-4-5 Pythagorean form woven within, projected without, as above so below, as within as the second Essene Gnostic principle of correspondence, and as we know as e are “everything is connected” through the coincidence of space superimposed with the synchronicity entangled in time of forever everywhere HERE and NOW.
Accordingly my love is enteral within your heart in mine and our heart combined hand in hand within the Church of Philadelphia and Saturn and Venus Liberty Bells as we walk hand-in-hand toward our destiny with a focus at the perspective vanishing point as the destination is the sojourn, half the distance with each cycle of the half spin of Planck scale H-Bar, the inanimate carbon-12 rod; Janus the two-face, heads I win tail you lose but together with kind in-kind hearts we enjoy the present of presence in the HERE and NOW WON my love, eternally yours!.