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Such a beautiful supplement to the Teens Part ONE, dear heart, my love and the TENET is absolutely integral as the source of the Lord's Prayer, Pater Noster and "on Earth (heart) as it is in heaven" through 7 and 13 in the binding energies of the 33rd prime number 137 as 1+3+7=11 and the mirror of 0 to 1 as a reflection of the antithetical of Janus the Two-Face, heads I win, tails you lose a checksum Zero game.

These teen years as 13 and 19 are both bookends as prime (p) reciprocal magic squares with k=p − 1 periods, like in Morphogenic Matrix Math 1/7 creates the 6x6 magic square equated with the 6 days (daze) of creation in Genesis, the even number of k−th rows in the square are arranged by multiples of 1 / p - not necessarily successively where a magic constant can be obtained a result of Midy's theorem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midy%27s_theorem)

These spaces in faces are sacred in sacred geometry and integral to the black and white squares of the Mason's floor and the checker-board of the RR ROW and the chessboard in Rithmomachia or the Philosopher's game called the "Battle of Number" between the Sorcerer (Yin) and Philosopher (Yang) and the Temporal Sword and Spiritual Sword, respectively, tied to Excalibur and it's source in the mirror of antithetical, like Christ and Anti-Christ and particle/antiparticle as neutrino and antineutrino with the supernatural superlumenal super-symmetry (SUSY) of the tachyon, center stage of Shakespeare's Sonnet.

Lucifer's illusory light so many consider divinity when in truth it is a mere 0.04% of the EMF spectrum of information in qualia terms of 99.6% the divinity is within the numbers within the letters within the ABRACABABRA words in the trinity of Pascal's triangle (triangular number) in the 12th and 21st primes 37 & 73, as you know, the Star of David and these are the KEY of David in Revelation 3:7 that sum to TEN (3+7) and NET (7+3) in the mirror of time in TENET in the Liberty Bells of Saturn and Venus we embody, perhaps as the corner“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;”.

SO MUCH, to add my love... SO MUCH!!!

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