Yet another EPIC transliteration of number my love, so deeply initiated by 11 and 12, as centered by the most transformative as the heart of the center is 2^4=4^2=2x8=16 or six is sweet sixteen as the face of the 4X4X4 magic cube of 64 on the chessboard of the Queen and King (45) as the Alpha and Omega of TEN (37) NET (73) in TENET time of Pater Noster, the Lord's Prayer, "on Earth as it is in heave [heart]" in eart|H|eart anagram palindrome and palindromic prime 181 in prime time proper time where we are timeless to carry the time within vs the coordinate time of Lat/Long lay-line landline mascuLINE projections of sacred form of the Chestahedron within the earth as the Heartland of the USA (Kansans, Oz) and Japan and Russia Russia Russaia, with the apex in the Arctic Circle as Master Frank Chester shares with such brilliance and saintly good will for X-mas and the 12 edges of the heart of the matter of mind over matter of eYe do not mind so it does not matter.
Yet another EPIC transliteration of number my love, so deeply initiated by 11 and 12, as centered by the most transformative as the heart of the center is 2^4=4^2=2x8=16 or six is sweet sixteen as the face of the 4X4X4 magic cube of 64 on the chessboard of the Queen and King (45) as the Alpha and Omega of TEN (37) NET (73) in TENET time of Pater Noster, the Lord's Prayer, "on Earth as it is in heave [heart]" in eart|H|eart anagram palindrome and palindromic prime 181 in prime time proper time where we are timeless to carry the time within vs the coordinate time of Lat/Long lay-line landline mascuLINE projections of sacred form of the Chestahedron within the earth as the Heartland of the USA (Kansans, Oz) and Japan and Russia Russia Russaia, with the apex in the Arctic Circle as Master Frank Chester shares with such brilliance and saintly good will for X-mas and the 12 edges of the heart of the matter of mind over matter of eYe do not mind so it does not matter.