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Another home run my love, SO MUCH to add given it is both my and my youngest sibling's day of of birth, both with tragedy associated due to the powers that were that are being inverted as eYe type, given the skullduggery of the Skull & Bones at Yale, Plimpton 322 and the New World Order world-wide ritual psy-op events of Fukashima (2011) and World Trade Center Twins (2001) and Building 7 with the Twins as 11 in NYC that demolished my World View on 9/11 as a structural engineer with eYe to see and hear what the spirit saith, NO WAY that was what happened and the Septuagint is 70 NOT 90 as with nova as a "star that suddenly increases in brightness then slowly fades," the nonagon from novem "nine;" see nine NOT 11 and Deci- from PIE root *dekm- "ten" as 10 NOT 12, as Edgar Alan Poe tried to say !!!

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,

Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;

But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,

And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore?”

This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!”—

Merely this and nothing more.

Not to mention the nature of the mirror of 9-11 as what IS IS in the 10X10 TEN NET TENET square 0~99, rotated 45 degree clock-wise for the X=0 at the top 11~99 at High Noon and 09 at 3-O-Clock, 90 at NEYEN O-Clock and the mirror of 54|45 center stage as the Queen and King on the Chessboard positions of 369-Morphogenic Matrix Math (MMM) as the foundation of Geomtetry of Consciousness (GOC) which, as you know my love is a very long story of quantum (number) super-symmetry where each particle from the class of fermions has an associated particle in the class of bosons, and vice versa, known as a superpartner (81|18, 72|27, 63|36, & 54|45). The spin of a particle's superpartner is different by a half-integer as 90 is to 180 and 180 is to 360 in the Watusi Dance we do so well accross the NEYEN in time and the abyss at the bottom ocean of space.

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